Sep 30, 2019
This week I speak with Tamie and Sarah. Tamie has some great tips for meal planning and feeding her family while she tries to stay on track with meals and exercise. Sarah has her snacks at work under control, but struggles with time in the car and eating from boredom.
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Sep 23, 2019
This week I speak to Lisa about her recent experiences falling off the Keto wagon. What circumstances led her to it and how happy she was to be back on track. Lisa also talks about a supplement she has been taking for some time called Accelerated Silver from a company called Accelerated Health Products. You can find...
Sep 16, 2019
This week I speak with weight watcher Tamie about the choices we all struggle with when eating at restaurants. We must eat gluten free, but where does healthy eating come in when we must be so concerned about gluten free. Sarah talks about what makes eating in restaurants attractive and convenient. Now that school is...
Sep 9, 2019
This week Lisa and I speak about how being on a restricted diet effects how someone deals with stress. We also look at the advantages and pitfalls of finding support online, and how support for keto and gluten free can be different and confusing. You can follow Lisa on instagram at gf_ketogirl.
Sue’s Websites and...
Sep 2, 2019
This week, I had a difficult time recording the podcast, as I was staying at a cottage without good internet. I spoke to both Tamie and Sara and recorded our phone calls, but unfortunately, the quality of the recording was not something I could use on the podcast. I took notes of our chats and was able to record solo,...