Sep 24, 2018
I check in this week with Lisa and Francine. Lisa explains Kefir and how she uses it. Lisa describes SMART goals and how defining goals helps her. I talk about a new favourite low calorie snack.
Sep 17, 2018
This week I speak with Sara and Tamie. Both are working through their diets with the pressures of kids in school and lots of temptations. I was on a trip to Montreal and found plenty - possibly too much - to eat while there. I mention a couple of recipes from my gluten free baking show. The recipes can be found at
Sep 10, 2018
This week I talk with Lisa and Francine. Lisa has great tips for camping on a Keto diet. Francine tells us of her goal to get kayaking, and how much she enjoys it. I talk about developing a healthy habit of walking the dog - healthy for the both of us.
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Sep 3, 2018
This week we catch up with Sara and Tamie. Sara has some great tips for family get-togethers and talks about leftovers and school lunches. Tamie reaches a milestone,but now has to look at weightloss somewhat differently. Check us out on facebook and instagram at Gluten Free Weigh In.